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Cooling Older Homes with Air Conditioning


Summer temperatures can be offensive especially when they go a degree higher than normal. This is why many homeowners cannot wait for fall to enjoy the cooler temperatures and escape from the daily troubles of noisy AC units. This is the typical scenario in older homes where central air conditioning systems are not only impractical but also expensive to install. For older homes, ductwork cannot be installed without incurring huge expenses in lowering ceilings or constructing walls to hide them.

Thanks to notable improvements in the AC industry, there are now systems available which do not require bulky ductwork for successful installation. For instance mini-split systems make use of individual units that can be put one in each room. These systems require a much thinner refrigerant and a reliable power connection to an outdoor fan and compressor. High velocity AC systems can also be considered as a good option. This is because they utilize two-inch insulated air-supply tubing in order to deliver cool air while its registers can be strategically placed around ceiling perimeters to obstruction.

From the ongoing discussion you can plainly see that you do not have to necessarily spend exorbitant sums of money for you to cool every single room in you older home. With mini-split systems, you can install cooling units in a number of rooms in your home which you can then use as retreat spaces during the sizzling heat of summer. In the event you are stuck, not knowing the appropriate compressor to choose, a professional installer can help you in picking one that allows sufficient room for expansion.

Whenever you are selecting an AC system, you have to know the right sizing because it matters as far as heating, ventilation and air conditioning is concerned. When you buy an AC unit that is too big or too small you will certainly experience problems with your cooling efficiency levels, dehumidification, skyrocketing electricity bills and maintenance costs. For instance, oversize AC units tend to cycle on and off more frequently thereby causing their parts to go through wear and tear. This weakens you system and costs more to keep it running.

The best approach is to have an energy audit carried out so that you can establish your cooling needs. This will make it easier to pick the appropriate capacity for your AC system. While there are lots of factors to be taken into consideration when cooling an older home, having an efficient AC system installed, can keep you cool during the hotter days of summer.